I am 57, and I am Tired, Too

The other day, I got one of those essays that get circulated by e-mail — the kind that are intended to provide a focus for blue collar angst while kicking up commitment to a very conservative political agenda.

This one was titled, “I’m 63 and I’m Tired,” and was credited to Robert A Hall, “a Marine Vietnam veteran who served five terms in the Massachusetts State Senate.” He also published a book in 2005, The Good Bits. The essay is apparently taken from his blog. At the bottom of the e-mail, it states: “There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! This is your chance to make a difference.”

Let’s think about this for a minute. This man has managed to be elected to public office five times, has published a book, and is a frequently quoted blogger, but the only way he has of influencing the world is via an e-mail chain-letter?

Well, I’ve never been elected anything (except, perhaps ironically, “Most Likely to Succeed”), I’ve published one novel that got great reviews (all two of them), and I write a blog that pretty much nobody reads. I think my deathless prose is more in need of an e-mail campaign than is Mr. Hall’s.

And so, with all modesty, here is my response to his essay. Everyone and anyone is welcome to copy it and send it to everyone they know. Or post it on Facebook. Or divide it into skeenteen-bazillion little 140-character excerpts and use it to torture people via Twitter.

“I’m 57, and I’m Tired, Too”

By Candace Van Auken

I’m 57. Until I became disabled in 2001, I worked hard at different jobs, routinely putting in 50 to 70-hour weeks. I did call in sick some days as my inflammatory arthritis worsened, but my employers just patched me through to meetings via telephone — there being no rest for the weary white-collar employee. For years, I made a very good salary, and I didn’t inherit my job or my income. In fact I had to work twice as hard to make 3/4 the salary of the average male employee. Now, given the economy and my disability, I’m probably going to end up living under a bridge, and that thought makes me feel both scared and tired. Very tired.

I’m tired of being told that I’m a parasite when I spent many years paying taxes and Social Security. (I noticed, one year, that according to a newspaper article, I was paying three times the amount in taxes as a politician who earned twice what I did. Unlike him, I paid my fair share.) I was told by the government that I had worked for my Disability insurance, but according to people lucky enough to have never been seriously ill, I’m a drain on society. I’m tired of being told that conservative congressmen will take the money I paid in, and give it to the most obscenely profitable industry in the world — the oil companies — as “subsidies” necessary for “the creation of new jobs.” (It’s a fact: As oil companies profits have risen, the number of people they employ has decreased, a reality that apparently doesn’t trouble conservatives.)

Photograph of member from the Westboro Baptist Church at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, on the day of Pope Benedict's address to the UN General Assembly. Original photograph by David Shankbone. URL: http://blog.shankbone.org/about/

I’m tired of being told that Christianity is a “Religion of Love,” when frequently I can read dozens of stories about members of the Westboro Baptist Church calling Catholic priests “vampires” and the daughters of our current president “satanic spawn…of a murderous bastard.” The Supreme Court just upheld the group’s right to stand outside the funerals of military heroes holding signs that say, “Thank God for Dead Soldiers.” The group launched a Web site called “Priests Rape Boys,” and they don’t just save their venom for Roman Catholics. They have claimed that Orthodox Christians are indistinguishable from Catholics, and they also criticize Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, and other Baptists. After a 2008 earthquake in Sichuan Chine, the group issued a press release thanking God for the number of people who had lost their lives, and in 1996 they protested at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C. saying, “Whatever righteous cause the Jewish victims of the 1930s–40s Nazi Holocaust had…has been drowned in sodomite semen.” And in case you haven’t figured it out, yet: They are just as “typical” of Christianity as Al-Qaida is of Islam.

I’m tired of being told that out of “Tolerance for Free Speech and Freedom of Religion” we must look the other way when conservative politicians encourage the murder of gay people in Uganda or aggressively proselytizing American Christian missionaries offer to rebuild areas of Sri Lanka devastated by a tsunami only if the homeless and destitute residents abandon their faith and convert to Christianity. (And when Sri Lanka’s government complained, the Bush administration threatened to cut off aid and credit to the country.)

I’m tired of hearing that American workers must lower their standard of living and give up the right to bargain collectively as union members in order to slow the number of jobs being shipped overseas. Ending up with a living standard comparable to Bangladesh has never been part of the “American Dream.”

Prohibition era poster

I’m tired of being told that that we can “Win the War on Drugs,” when it is obvious that the millions we pour into it are working just as well as Prohibition did in abolishing the sale and consumption of alcohol. And I am tired of being treated like a criminal whenever I go to buy OTC Sudafed at my local drug store. Are middle-aged, chronically ill women with stuffy noses the leading edge of a new crime wave?

I, too, am tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I’m tired of people with a bloated sense of entitlement, rich or poor.

I’m really tired of people who don’t take responsibility for their lives and actions. I’m tired of hearing conservatives blame “big government” or “reverse discrimination,” for all their problems.

Yes, I’m sick and I’m tired. But I’m also glad to be 57. Because, maybe, I’ll live long enough to see people catch onto the many ways that conservative Republicans pretend to serve US citizens while actually doing the bidding of the large international corporations and interests that fund them. I sure hope so.

Candace Van Auken is a middle-aged woman disabled by autoimmune diseases, who was mightily ticked off by Robert A. Hall’s essay — now going the e-mail rounds — “I’m 63 and I’m tired.”

There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! This is your chance to make a difference.

Photo credit:

Copyright © 2011 by Candace L. Van Auken. All rights reserved.

I am a writer, computer nerd, and an activist for people who are disabled by chronic illness. I am also interested in issues related to the LGBTQIA community and to women making music.

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Posted in Internet, Politics
7 comments on “I am 57, and I am Tired, Too
  1. Go, Candace! I get so tired of hearing from the right about how awful they’ve got it. Thank you for fighting back. I’m happy to pass this on, via my own blog.

  2. ruthek says:

    Thank you Candace. I found this on the Subversive Librarian, shared it with Facebook (for whatever that’s worth), and will put it in my blog. It’s a great message.

  3. barbara says:

    Hi, I tried to paste your “I’m 57 and I’m Tired, too” on my Facebook page but they found content that was “abusive”! Can you try to post it on yours and see what happens?

    thanks, Barbara P.

  4. Tom Dollard says:

    Hi Candace, I left this below on Robert Hall’s FB page (we’re “friends”) Couldn’t find you on FB. Ciao, Tom D

    Tom Dollard Hell, I’m 64 and screw being tired, I got an 11 year old son and a new business to get off the ground. Started SS at 62 ($525 a month) and have ZERO comprehension for the humanity of the “conservative” mindset. I live in a land where Mussolini was loved and respected by the “Silent Majority”, today’s Tea Party equivalent. My wifes grandmother became a widow because of the fervor of the “conservative” movement in Spain in 1937. Love to see the article you wrote that ticked Candace Van Auken

  5. http://newquickweightlossdiets.com says:

    Absolutely composed content, Really enjoyed examining.

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